Who Gets the Pet in a Divorce?


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Apr 3, 2020 in Blog, Divorce Law

It’s hard nowadays to find someone who doesn’t consider their pet a member of the family. But what happens to pets when a couple separates or divorces? While there is no specific legislation that currently deals with the concept of pet custody, there is an emerging trend in which people are taking their partner to…Read More Here!

What Are The Types of Power of Attorney?

hands writing legal document

Posted by heritagelaw on Apr 3, 2020 in Blog, Wills & Estate

Have you ever thought about creating a power of attorney? A power of attorney is a document in which one person appoints someone else to act on his or her behalf. This individual is known as the “donor” while the appointed person is known as the “attorney”. Many individuals choose to create a power of…Read More Here!

What’s The Difference Between Marriage & Common Law?


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Mar 7, 2020 in Blog, Family Law

It’s a common question – what’s the difference between being married and being in a common-law relationship? While there are many similarities, there are some differences that are worth noting! Read on for Heritage Law’s guide to the two relationship types and how they differ from one another. Common-Law (Adult Interdependent Relationship) In Alberta, a…Read More Here!

What is an Uncontested Divorce?


Posted by heritagelaw on Feb 3, 2020 in Blog, Family Law

Did you know that 4 out of 10 first time marriages in Canada end in divorce? No matter the reason for ending a marriage, most couples seek to do so in a way that is easy and stress free. As long as you and your spouse can be respectful of each other, it is possible…Read More Here!

Why Employees Need Up-to-Date Contracts


Posted by heritagelaw on Jan 3, 2020 in Blog, Employment Law

When it comes to starting new employment with a company, most employers will require that you sign an employment contract. This type of contract ensures that employee and employer rights and responsibilities are understood by both parties. Even if you do not sign an official contract with an employer, certain rules and rights still apply….Read More Here!

Rent To Own: Benefits, Drawbacks and How It Works


Posted by heritagelaw on Nov 30, 2019 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Owning anything in today’s economy, whether it be a house or a new t.v., is usually a pipe dream for those with poor credit, no credit or not enough funds. The concept of “rent to own” was created to aid those who could not make large purchases by presenting them the opportunity to rent with…Read More Here!

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Nov 24, 2019 in Blog, Family Law

When searching for a lawyer, diving into seemingly endless listings and online reviews can be overwhelming. The first step is to identify what field of law your lawyer should practice– from advertising to water, law covers it all… including family! Family law may sound like an afternoon playing “courtroom” with the kids, but it is…Read More Here!

What Should Be Included in an Independent Contractor Agreement?


Posted by heritagelaw on Nov 1, 2019 in Blog, Commercial Law

Whenever an individual or business is hired to complete a specific task or project on a short-term basis, an independent contractor agreement should always be used to protect the client and the worker. Independent contractor agreements are written contracts or verbal agreements that specify the terms of the contract, the responsibilities of both parties as…Read More Here!