What Happens if I Don’t have a Will in Alberta?

lush graveyard with stone arch and bench along side of path

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Dec 9, 2021 in Blog, Wills & Estate

Drafting a legal will can seem like a simple inconvenience of a daunting ordeal – but it is absolutely essential if you want to have a say in who inherits your property, sentimental valuables, and even unpleasant things like your debts. If left undone, there are regulations in place that ensure some very minor protection…Read More Here!

How to Talk to Your Family About Power of Attorney

Posted by heritagelaw on Nov 17, 2021 in Blog, Wills & Estate

No one really wants to talk about death or serious illness but the stress and discomfort of having these types of conversations are nothing compared to facing these issues without proper legal documentation put into place. If you have an elderly family member, you’ve probably thought about whether or not they have a power of…Read More Here!

What Is The Difference Between Divorce & Separation?

man and woman holding hands in front of grey and white panelled wall. they are looking on opposite directions.

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Oct 28, 2021 in Blog, Divorce Law, Family Law

Many people consider the terms “divorce” and “separation” to be interchangeable – but this is not the case. At the most basic level, a divorce means that you are no longer legally married while separation indicates that you and your spouse are living separate lives but are still legally married under the court. While this…Read More Here!

Commercial Neighbor Disputes in Edmonton – When to Seek Legal Action

Posted by heritagelaw on Oct 17, 2021 in Blog, Real Estate Law

When you own or manage a commercial property in Edmonton, it’s likely that you’ll have to deal with neighboring businesses or property owners in some capacity. However, differences in operations, misunderstandings, and other factors can lead to commercial property disputes. How far these disputes go depends on your unique situation but it helps to know…Read More Here!

Ending a Lease Early in Alberta – What Are the Rules?

Posted by heritagelaw on Sep 17, 2021 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Life happens and, whether you are a landlord or a tenant, certain situations may have you considering ending a lease early. But how does this work in Alberta? What are the rules? Generally speaking, a lease agreement is a legally binding contract. However, there are certain instances where leases can be ended early provided they…Read More Here!

What is the Grant of Probate Process in Alberta?

two sets of hands sit folded on a table.

Posted by heritagelaw on Jun 15, 2021 in Blog, Wills & Estate

Dealing with the death of a family member, friend, or loved one can be a difficult emotional process. While dealing with the aftermath in terms of wills and estates may create additional stress, sometimes being involved in the process can help individuals find closure and acceptance. If you are responsible for distributing the assets of…Read More Here!