Intellectual Property Rights – How Do They Work?

woman with long brown hair standing over drafting table

Posted by heritagelaw on Apr 22, 2021 in Blog, Commercial Law

Do you have an amazing idea for your business? Maybe you’ve come up with a unique and clever slogan or have created an eye-catching logo that encapsulates the nature of your business. Before you unleash your idea into the world, it’s important to consider how you are going to protect your creation. The process of…Read More Here!

The Legalities of Recording Video Conferences

woman in black silk shirt conducting a meeting over video conference

Posted by heritagelaw on Mar 22, 2021 in Blog

With our society continually adjusting to “new norms”, video conferencing software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype have allowed many industries to continue face-to-face interactions and meetings while maintaining distance. It only takes one quick Google search of “funny Zoom fails” to realize that people are recording these meetings and posting them on the…Read More Here!

What is a Nondisclosure Agreement?

two men sitting at table talking

Posted by heritagelaw on Feb 21, 2021 in Blog, Commercial Law, Employment Law

When you are hired by a business, you may find yourself signing a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) – but what exactly does that mean? Understanding an employee contract before adding your signature is important when it comes to avoiding conflict with your employer down the road. While most are straightforward and detail the terms of your…Read More Here!

Tenant Rights in Alberta during COVID-19

young couple hugging

Posted by heritagelaw on Dec 21, 2020 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Back in early 2020 when COVID-19 first plagued Alberta, many restrictions and measures were put into place to protect tenants during this time of uncertainty. If you are a tenant renting from a landlord, you may have some questions regarding your rights in relation to COVID-19. Heritage Law wants to clear up the confusion and…Read More Here!

Employee Rights in Alberta during COVID-19

woman in mask standing in front of room with many computers

Posted by heritagelaw on Nov 3, 2020 in Blog, Employment Law

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive waves of unrest in the world of employment, leaving employees to worry if their jobs are at risk. With businesses closing their doors or sending workers home to reduce the spread, government mandates ensure employees are protected from termination. This doesn’t mean employees can toss aside responsibilities without fear…Read More Here!

Q&A: Employee and Employers Rights when Working From Home

man working at desk with 3 monitors

Posted by heritagelaw on Oct 13, 2020 in Blog, Employment Law

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted the dynamic of workplaces across the globe. A vast number of employees have found themselves packing up the office and working from home. While this is great news in terms of employment continuance in the face of many workplace shutdowns, it creates an interesting change in the way work…Read More Here!

3 Important Things To Bring to Your Will Appointment

lawyer meeting with couple regarding legal matters

Posted by heritagelaw on Sep 3, 2020 in Blog, Wills & Estate

Are you preparing to have your will created? Your will is an important document that ensures your property is handled according to your wishes after you pass away. It protects your family and loved ones as well as your assets. Because it is such an important document, it’s important to have your will created thoroughly…Read More Here!