Do I Need a Commercial Property Lawyer?

Posted by Heritage Law on May 23, 2024 in Blog, Commercial Law, Real Estate Law

Purchasing commercial property is a more complicated task than buying a home. Whether you’re purchasing, leasing, or developing commercial real estate, understanding the legal landscape is crucial. This is where a commercial property lawyer becomes an invaluable asset. But do you really need one? Let’s explore the role of a commercial property lawyer and why…Read More Here!

Intellectual Property Rights – How Do They Work?

Posted by heritagelaw on Apr 22, 2021 in Blog, Commercial Law

Do you have an amazing idea for your business? Maybe you’ve come up with a unique and clever slogan or have created an eye-catching logo that encapsulates the nature of your business. Before you unleash your idea into the world, it’s important to consider how you are going to protect your creation. The process of…Read More Here!

What is a Nondisclosure Agreement?

Posted by heritagelaw on Feb 21, 2021 in Blog, Commercial Law, Employment Law

When you are hired by a business, you may find yourself signing a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) – but what exactly does that mean? Understanding an employee contract before adding your signature is important when it comes to avoiding conflict with your employer down the road. While most are straightforward and detail the terms of your…Read More Here!

What Should Be Included in an Independent Contractor Agreement?

Posted by heritagelaw on Nov 1, 2019 in Blog, Commercial Law

Whenever an individual or business is hired to complete a specific task or project on a short-term basis, an independent contractor agreement should always be used to protect the client and the worker. Independent contractor agreements are written contracts or verbal agreements that specify the terms of the contract, the responsibilities of both parties as…Read More Here!

The Benefits of Incorporating a New Business in Alberta

Posted by heritagelaw on Oct 4, 2019 in Blog, Commercial Law

Small businesses are becoming more and more popular in Alberta as residents begin running their own operations to procure an income. While most start as a simple sole proprietorship, many new business expand and grow beyond the capabilities of one individual. In many cases, Albertans choose to incorporate their business. Incorporating a new business comes…Read More Here!

What’s the Difference Between Commercial & Corporate Law?

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Mar 21, 2019 in Blog, Commercial Law

Corporate and commercial law might be closely related, but they are indeed two separate areas of law. Because their practice areas commonly overlap, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other. Read on to learn about a few of the differences between commercial and corporate law to make sure you are talking to…Read More Here!