The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive waves of unrest in the world of employment, leaving employees to worry if their jobs are at risk. With businesses closing their doors or sending workers home to reduce the spread, government mandates ensure employees are protected from termination. This doesn’t mean employees can toss aside responsibilities without fear…Read More Here!
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted the dynamic of workplaces across the globe. A vast number of employees have found themselves packing up the office and working from home. While this is great news in terms of employment continuance in the face of many workplace shutdowns, it creates an interesting change in the way work…Read More Here!
Are you preparing to have your will created? Your will is an important document that ensures your property is handled according to your wishes after you pass away. It protects your family and loved ones as well as your assets. Because it is such an important document, it’s important to have your will created thoroughly…Read More Here!
While the offices here at Heritage Law are currently open during regular business hours, we have had to make many changes to the way we operate to ensure the health and safety of our staff and valuable clients. In fact, many industries have had to make significant changes as well. What hasn’t changed is our…Read More Here!
We’re all familiar with the process of grieving the passing of a friend, family member or loved one – we dress in black, attend a funeral and celebrate the life they had. When you are an executor or designated representative, however, the process of working through someone’s death becomes more complicated. Suddenly, you find yourself…Read More Here!
If you are planning to purchase real estate, you may be familiar with the fact that a lawyer is required in such a transaction. Whether it is your first or one of many– there still may be confusion about what a real estate lawyer does. Read on for Heritage Law’s general breakdown of the intricacies…Read More Here!
Lease agreements are a common legal document that is signed between a landlord and tenant, whether in a residential or business rental capacity. Like any contract, a lease agreement can be intimidating and confusing. However, these agreements are not designed to be contractual traps. They should be straightforward and concise when detailing the particulars of…Read More Here!
Generally, the justice system breaks down into two major categories: criminal law and civil law. Between TV judges and action movies, some members of the general public may have a skewed perception of how these two forms of law function. Read on for Heritage Law’s guide to the definitive differences between the criminal and civil…Read More Here!
A personal directive is a legal document used to name someone to make personal decisions for you if you’re incapable due to illness or injury. In the province of Alberta, personal directives are used instead of living wills to ensure that personal decisions can be made for you if you suffer a serious injury or…Read More Here!
Posted by heritagelawoffices on Apr 3, 2020 in
Blog, Divorce Law
It’s hard nowadays to find someone who doesn’t consider their pet a member of the family. But what happens to pets when a couple separates or divorces? While there is no specific legislation that currently deals with the concept of pet custody, there is an emerging trend in which people are taking their partner to…Read More Here!