What Rights Do Non-Romantic Adult Interdependent Relationships Have?


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Feb 7, 2019 in Blog, Family Law

The introduction of the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act provides a legal recognition of the relationship between two people who are not married. However, in order for the relationship to be recognized by law, it must meet certain characteristics. One of the most common misunderstandings is people assume an adult interdependent relationship must be romantic, when…Read More Here!

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE: Common Law vs. Adult Interdependent Relationship


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Feb 2, 2019 in Blog, Family Law

With diverse relationships and nontraditional living arrangements becoming the norm, there are more and more questions about the laws surrounding cohabitation. “Common law” is a household term for a couple that has lived together long-term but is not legally married. In Alberta, “common law” has been considered outdated ever since the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act…Read More Here!

Palimony: A Legal Option for Unmarried Couples

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Jan 7, 2019 in Blog, Family Law

Palimony is essentially alimony for unmarried couples who have been living together for a period of time. These alimony-like support payments are sometimes made available to unmarried couples who have decided to separate. Whether it’s monthly payments or one lump sum, it’s worth chatting with your lawyer to see how palimony works in your province….Read More Here!

How to Prepare for a Lawyer Consultation

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Dec 1, 2018 in Blog

So you finally made the call and you are scheduled to meet a lawyer or similar professional for a consultation on a legal matter. This is a major first step in achieving your goals– always treat a legal consultation seriously and make the most of your time. For help doing this, read the guide from…Read More Here!

Legal Responsibilities of Being a Tenant or a Landlord

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Nov 19, 2018 in Blog, Real Estate Law

The act of renting a property is familiar to most people: one party owns and maintains a property, while the other pays regularly for the freedom to live there. Still, it is not uncommon to see inexperienced landlords and tenants alike make mistakes or incorrect assumptions when it comes to their respective roles. Before entering…Read More Here!

Unmarried Couples Buying Property Together

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Nov 1, 2018 in Blog, Family Law, Real Estate Law

As a couple, you may have the combined funds or borrowing power to acquire a property, but just because you can does not mean you should! You must compare you and your partner’s plans for the future, as well as your individual earning potential and any savings you are bringing to the table. Buying a property…Read More Here!

6 Legal Benefits of Getting Married

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Oct 15, 2018 in Blog, Family Law

Getting hitched, tying the knot, making it official– these are just some of the diverse terms used to colourfully describe the legal act of marriage. Whether you have a blowout wedding reception or an exotic elopement, if you reside in Alberta you are obligated to sign a marriage certificate if you wish to be considered…Read More Here!

When to Hire a Lawyer

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Sep 15, 2018 in Blog

There are countless events in life where you may require the services of a legal professional, so the term “hire a lawyer” is a general one. From contracts to court cases, every lawyer has their specialization– and they may have even further specialties within that. The following article is simply a few samples of when…Read More Here!