Do I Need a Commercial Property Lawyer?

Posted by Heritage Law on May 23, 2024 in Blog, Commercial Law, Real Estate Law

Purchasing commercial property is a more complicated task than buying a home. Whether you’re purchasing, leasing, or developing commercial real estate, understanding the legal landscape is crucial. This is where a commercial property lawyer becomes an invaluable asset. But do you really need one? Let’s explore the role of a commercial property lawyer and why…Read More Here!

Commercial Neighbor Disputes in Edmonton – When to Seek Legal Action

Posted by heritagelaw on Oct 17, 2021 in Blog, Real Estate Law

When you own or manage a commercial property in Edmonton, it’s likely that you’ll have to deal with neighboring businesses or property owners in some capacity. However, differences in operations, misunderstandings, and other factors can lead to commercial property disputes. How far these disputes go depends on your unique situation but it helps to know…Read More Here!

Ending a Lease Early in Alberta – What Are the Rules?

Posted by heritagelaw on Sep 17, 2021 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Life happens and, whether you are a landlord or a tenant, certain situations may have you considering ending a lease early. But how does this work in Alberta? What are the rules? Generally speaking, a lease agreement is a legally binding contract. However, there are certain instances where leases can be ended early provided they…Read More Here!

Tenant Rights in Alberta during COVID-19

Posted by heritagelaw on Dec 21, 2020 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Back in early 2020 when COVID-19 first plagued Alberta, many restrictions and measures were put into place to protect tenants during this time of uncertainty. If you are a tenant renting from a landlord, you may have some questions regarding your rights in relation to COVID-19. Heritage Law wants to clear up the confusion and…Read More Here!


Posted by heritagelawoffices on Jun 4, 2020 in Blog, Real Estate Law

If you are planning to purchase real estate, you may be familiar with the fact that a lawyer is required in such a transaction. Whether it is your first or one of many– there still may be confusion about what a real estate lawyer does. Read on for Heritage Law’s general breakdown of the intricacies…Read More Here!

Termination of Lease Agreements – What Are the Rules?

Posted by heritagelaw on Jun 3, 2020 in Blog, Real Estate Law

Lease agreements are a common legal document that is signed between a landlord and tenant, whether in a residential or business rental capacity. Like any contract, a lease agreement can be intimidating and confusing. However, these agreements are not designed to be contractual traps. They should be straightforward and concise when detailing the particulars of…Read More Here!