Sharing Custody During The Holidays

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Dec 8, 2016 in Blog, Divorce Law, Family Law

heritage-law-child-custody-during-holidaysSeparation and divorce are legal proceedings with very serious, day-to-day life consequences– especially when children are involved. The stress and pressure of the holidays can often strain our relationships, so it is important not to let legal obligations like custody and child support become negatively impacted. If you or your loved ones are facing these personal issues, your family may benefit from a consultation with Heritage Law. Read our guide below to brush up on sharing custody over the holidays, then contact or visit us for more information.


Be prepared– always review any custody orders or agreements before the holiday season. Separated or divorced parents often arrange a rotation of custody for certain days or sometimes an equal division of time. Ensure you establish these before the papers are signed! By planning ahead, you can avoid last-minute disputes, family stress, and unnecessary legal fees.


It’s been said that holidays are a frame of mind, not a specific time, place or ritual. In most situations, being flexible and respectful is the greatest gift separate or divorced parents can give their children. If custody rules keep your kids from a traditional event at a traditional time, find a way to create a new tradition that works with your new family structure.


When it comes to holiday planning, putting the children first comes naturally to many separated and divorced parents. Asking your kids what they want to do over the holidays usually results in the most pleasant outcome. Still, fights and disagreements happen– when they do, one of the least helpful solutions making a child choose. Remember: do ask them what they want, don’t make them decide.


If it’s your “off year” or you can’t be around for an important time, an absent parent can still make the most of it. Sending a special message, scheduling a phone call or video chat, recording yourself reading a holiday story– these can all help you be with your child, even when you aren’t there. Many experts agree, putting in an effort to be a part of significant occasions can improve the emotional health of children affected by separation or divorce.

Custody over the holidays is always a sensitive topic because we want to be surrounded by the ones we love. Heritage Law can help keep the peace with comprehensive custody orders and agreements, along with a full complement of legal expertise. Contact or visit us today!