LAWYER UP: 5 Ways to Find the Best Lawyer

Posted by heritagelawoffices on Mar 14, 2016 in Blog

There are many reasons you might need a lawyer, but many people do not know where to start. Luckily there is a goldmine of resources out there for those in search of legal representation. Being prepared can give you an edge and even save you money by reducing your total legal costs. Read Heritage Law’s guide to “lawyering up” below!


The first step after contacting a lawyer is usually a face-to-face meeting, which can often be offered free of charge. Regardless of cost, you should be equipped with concise questions and as much information as possible for the lawyer to review. Knowing what you don’t know is exceptionally valuable when given time to interview your potential legal representation.


In today’s modern world, even legal referrals can be “crowdsourced.” Online databases, review websites and message boards are extremely effective tools for cross-referencing your prospective lawyer. Local specialty groups also offer referrals and bar associations can provide directories and legal resources.


Like many services, knowing someone with firsthand experience can be extremely helpful when searching for legal representation. Word of mouth is still a reliable tool, so make sure to ask trusted friends and family members for referrals. If you are curious about their history and customer satisfaction, some law firms may even refer you to a former or current client.


You may already have an attorney, but your case may require a specialized focus. Also, lawyers in similar fields often work with each other– making them great resources for legal referrals. Getting a lawyer’s opinion can speed up the process of finding representation.


Most important of all, make sure you and your lawyer are compatible. Even the highest recommended counsel may leave you feeling uncomfortable or uneasy after your first meeting. Clear and open communication is key and so is good attitude towards the end goal you have in mind. Always pick representation that makes you feel the most confident.

We here at Heritage Law know that our professionals are of the highest caliber. You can be confident that our lawyers have your best interests in mind. Contact or visit us today for a customized consultation.